Seed Business Strategy: 2005: Private: BMC provided a seed multiplication and business consultant to assess the seed industry and to identify any business opportunities that might exist. for a commercial seed company.

Agriculture Sector Strategy: 2000: USAID: BMC provided an agribusiness management specialist on a team assessing the future opportunities to restart the agriculture sector of the economy.


Pilot Project to Improve Fresh Apple Production: 2003-06: International Trade Centre: BMC provided horticultural marketing and apple production specialists to develop an export-orientated fresh apple industry to help reduce poverty by improving yields and income. The consultants helped key growers to increase their apple yield substantially and to reduce their fertiliser input by more than 70%. Return visits were made for the delivery of training on EUREP-GAP leading to five organisations becoming accredited and successfully exporting to Europe. Several delegations visited the Germany, the Netherlands and the UK to visit markets producers and research stations.

Apple Production and Processing: 2002: International Trade Centre: BMC provided a horticulture production and marketing specialist to undertake a feasibility study on export led poverty reduction.


Agri-business Investment: 1999: Private Sector: BMC provided an agribusiness / business planning specialist together with an agriculturalist to investigate the possibilities for foreign direct investment.


Business Planning Assignment: 2000: EU: BMC provided a specialist in the transportation and storage of fresh produce.

Business Planning Assignment: 2000: EU: BMC provided specialists in agricultural machinery manufacture, marketing, business planning, human resources and accountancy to work with a manufacturing company. A strategy was prepared to consolidate production on one site together with a business plan to increase their market share in Egypt.

Business Planning Assignment: 1999: EU: BMC provided a business planning specialist and accountant to work with a food commodity trading company. A marketing strategy was developed together with a business plan to increase the geographic spread of customers and suppliers in Europe.

Agricultural Technology and Transfer Project: 1998: USAID: BMC provided expertise in horticultural production and marketing for the preparation of a business plan to establish an Egyptian owned fresh produce export marketing company in Holland to develop a brand image and reputation for reliability and quality. The business plan was presented to shareholders at a workshop.


Horticulture Markets:2003: International Trade Centre: BMC provided a production and marketing specialist as market guide to escort a group of eleven exporters from Ghana to visit importers, wholesale markets and supermarkets in the UK.

Horticulture Markets:2003: International Trade Centre: BMC provided a production and marketing specialist as market guide to escort a group of eleven exporters from Tanzania to visit importers, wholesale markets and supermarkets in the UK and France.

Horticulture Markets:2002: International Trade Centre: BMC provided a production and marketing specialist as market guide to escort a group of eighteen exporters from Ghana, Kenya and Uganda to visit importers, wholesale markets and supermarkets in Germany and the UK. The visit also included packers and certification agencies. Understanding and meeting the necessary food standards emerged as the main constraint for SME exporters and a follow up study in Kenya was proposed to look at how the small-scale producer might benefit from this certification trend.

Horticulture Markets:2002: International Trade Centre: BMC provided a production and marketing specialists as market guides to escort a group of exporters the Gambia to visit importers, wholesale markets and supermarkets in Holland, Belgium and the UK. The visit included the fresh produce and fisheries sectors.


Export Development:2001: Private Sector: BMC provided horticultural production, marketing and farming expertise to appraise a business plan for the development of a large-scale farm on a green field site to produce horticultural produce for export


Due Diligence: 1999: Private Sector: BMC provided marketing and distribution expert to join a multidisciplinary team to examine proposals to expand a company producing value added meat products for the domestic market.


Technical Assistance for Public Enterprise Reform in Andhra Pradesh: 1999: DFID: BMC provided a textile engineer / sector specialist to join a team assessing the status of the spinning mills and textile sector.


Due-diligence: 2010: Norfund: BMC provided a food technologist for an assessment of soft drinks manufacturer as part of a due diligence exercise for a potential investment.

Business Audit: 2007: Private Sector: BMC provided a management consultant for a business audit of wildlife reserve and safari camp. Opportunities examined to develop skin care products from plant extracts.

Horticulture Pilot Study: 2002: International Trade Centre: BMC provided a horticultural production and marketing specialist to address the problems related to small producers complying with the certification standards required by the market.

Disposal / Privatisation: 2001/02: DFID: BMC provided expertise in project management, business planning, marketing, human resources and finance to privatise the Trussed Rafter Development Unit and to provide commercial training to existing staff. Income & Expenditure documentation was prepared together with an asset register for the formal transfer of TRDU to the National Housing Corporation. The Business Plan was updated to provide NHC with a five year strategy for developing the business.

Business Restructuring: 2000/02: Private Sector: BMC provided industry and business planning expertise to assist a manufacturing company in the construction sector to develop plans to improve the profitability of the business, with strategic options for future growth. Follow-up by the industry specialist was supplemented by a human resource development expert to develop a new organisation structure, job descriptions and define responsibilities. A further input was undertaken in January 2002 to advise on the options for a joint venture involving a foreign investor.

Project Design: 2000: DFID: BMC provided expertise in business planning, marketing, human resources development and finance. The contract was to prepare a business plans for the commercialisation and privatisation of the Trussed Rafter Development Unit and the creation of the Plantation Grown Timber Promotion Centre as a non-profit organisation.

Evaluation of Structural Timber Project: 2000: DFID: BMC provided experts in management and business planning to evaluate the Plantation Grown Timber Promotion Centre and concluded that commercial opportunities did exist. Options for future funding were examined and privatisation recommended. Click here to view some photographs.

Export Development Programme: 1999: EU: BMC provided expertise to individual firms: packaging and marketing of speciality teas for sale in Europe; improved flower production and marketing; market diversification into mainland Europe for fruit and vegetable exporter.

Export Development Programme: 1998 / 99: EU: BMC provided expertise in agribusiness, horticulture production and marketing, floriculture production and marketing and packaging for a study to raise the quality and effectiveness of fresh produce exports to Europe. Three industry seminars were held in Nairobi to present the findings of the study and to introduce a post-harvest code of practice to improve handling and cold chain management. This was accepted by the industry and firm level audits were carried out.


Robusta Coffee Production: 2008: Private: BMC provided a land use and environment specialist to help select the best sites to develop a nucleus estate and small holder out grower programme.


Restructuring of ADMARC: 2005-07: World Bank: BMC are the lead company in consortium to look at the options to restructure ADMARC into two organisations, one serving the social needs of rural communities and the other providing commercial services, such as operating a warehouse receipt system based on the main storage facilities. The team included expertise in agribusiness, grain marketing, finance, human resources, legal issues and business structuring.

External Audit of the National Grain Reserve: 2003: DFID: BMC provided an international grain trading expert to join a multi-disciplinary team.

Privatisation of Textile Factory: 2002-03: Privatisation Commission: BMC provided a textile industry specialist and an engineer as part of a team to prepare an Information Memorandum and Instructions to Tenderers. Interest in participation was enhanced by visits to potential investors in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Six interested parties were identified. Bidders were visited in India as part of the due diligence process. BAFO negotiations were held with the two top scoring bidders.

Desk Study: 2002: Private Sector: BMC provided expertise in rubber processing to assess the opportunities to add value to locally produced latex. Bicycle tyres and dipped products were considered.

Technical Assistance:2001: USAID / GBTI: BMC provided international marketing, production management and quality control expertise to the Garment and Textile Manufacturers Association of Malawi. The objectives are to help GTMA members to take advantage of the opening-up of the United States apparel market under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

Privatisation of Textile Factory: 2001: Government: BMC provided engineering and international marketing expertise for the first phase study to establish the needs for rehabilitation and the options for investment.

Commercialisation and Privatisation of ADMARC: 1999: World Bank: BMC provided the agricultural marketing specialist on the core team of this study. He reviewed the proposals to liberalise crop marketing and the implications for ADMARC. He reviewed the depots and marketing networks to assess the impact on grain and other, non-cereal activities, of the contemplated privatisation. Advice was provided on post- privatisation agricultural marketing policies.


Needs Assessment:2010: UNDP: BMC provided expertise for the identification of possible interventions to support micro and small scale food processing, farmers markets and eco-tourism development.


Value Chain Analysis:2013: GIZ: BMC provided a marketing specialist to assess the honey sector with a view to increasing value added sales.

Business Plan for Oilseed Processing Plant: 1998: Private Sector: BMC provided a processing specialist for a pre-investment study looking at the opportunity to establish an oil mill to process cottonseed and sunflower for the local and regional market.


Agricultural Development and Environmental Protection in Transylvania (ADEPT) Foundation:2004-11: Charity: BMC were founder members of this UK and Romanian registered charity. The objectives of the ADEPT Foundation are: protection of natural and cultural heritage, linked to economic regeneration of the area, such that each supports the other. This is summed up by the triple bottom line concept: conservation of biodiversity - sustainable use of natural resources - equitable sharing of benefits. The introduction of the Slow Food movement to Romania and the establishment of the first Farmers Market in Romania has been an important achievement. In July 2009, the weekly market in Bucharest gained international recognition as a Slow Food Earth Market.

Farm & Tourism Development: 2007-08: Private Sector: BMC developed a business plan for horticultural production, food processing and tourism.

Monitoring & Evaluation: 2005-06: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development: BMC together with LTS International developed and  implemented a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the World Bank funded Forestry Development Project.

Export Consultancy: 2004: Private Sector: BMC organised and provided a guided visit to Romania for a British company seeking to enter this new market. Business appointments, translation, transport and accommodation was arranged. All business objectives were fully met and the outcome well above client expectations.

Honey Production and Marketing: 2004: Private Sector: BMC provided honey and agribusiness specialists to evaluate the opportunity to improve the efficiency of production and export of honey from the medieval hay meadows of Transylvania.

Agricultural Development and Environmental Protection in Transylvania (ADEPT) Project: 2002-04: Private Sector (TNP) / IFC (GEF): BMC provided expertise in food processing, plant propagation, finance and agribusiness for the development of business plans and raised the core equity for organic farming, food processing and marketing. BMC prepared a biodiversity management plan to fully address the triple bottom line concept: conservation of biodiversity; sustainable use of natural resources; equitable sharing of benefits. BMC also provided project management for the development of organic research, extension capabilities and farmer networks in the project area. BMC contributed to the preparation of the application to the Global Environment Facility for a US$3 million grant to help combine commercial agriculture with protecting the unique biodiversity of the medieval landscape.

Transylvanian Management Services (UK) Limited: 203-04: Private Sector: BMC provided finance and agribusiness expertise for the preparation of an Information Memorandum to raise seed capital.  BMC also provided the UK office for whose wholly owned subsidiary, Transylvanian Natural Products Srl (TNP) was the private sector partner of the ADEPT project. 

Soybean Processing Plant: 2003: Private Sector: BMC provided marketing, financial analysis, processing and agribusiness expertise to update the business plan prepared in 2001.

Preparation of Business Plan for Soybean Processing Plant: 2001: Private Sector: BMC provided expertise in international marketing, financial analysis and agribusiness to assist the client in the preparation of a feasibility study to be presented to potential financiers.

Review of Soybean Processing Plant: 2000: Private Sector: BMC provided expertise in civil engineering, oilseed processing, marketing, business planning, economics and financial analysis for a review of a proposed processing plant and storage facility on the Black Sea.


Honey Production & Marketing: 2004: USAID: BMC provided a bee specialist to help determine the improvements required for the production of export quality honey.

Support to the Agriculture Sector:1999-00: USAID: BMC provided livestock, processing, marketing and finance specialists to assist team objectives of enhancing internal production and marketing chains that promote broad based economic growth.


Tourism and Biodiversity - Touristification of the Sturgeon 2020 Action Plan: 2014: Danube Competance Centre / GIZ Serbia: BMC provided a tourism development specialist to work on development of a best practice study and action plan to use tourism, environmental education and awareness raising to support the conservation of Sturgeon in the Danube. Additional activities will help support cross border cooperation between trans-boundary national parks in Serbia and Romania and assessment of small grant scheme.

Support to Serbian Agency for Privatisation: 2002-03: DFID: BMC provided engineering and financial expertise to join a team undertaking the Phase 1 Diagnostic Review and Viability Assessment of two sugar beet processing plants in preparation for restructuring and eventual privatisation.


Environmental Impact Assessment: 2007: Private Sector: BMC provided environmental and agribusiness specialists to undertake the EIA.

Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment and Agricultural Development: 2006: Private: BMC provided environmental and agribusiness specialists to scope an EIA required as part of the concession for iron ore mine and also to establish for developing economic activity in the area.


Marketing Strategy for Timber Products Manufacturer: 1999: EU: BMC provided a marketing specialist to assist the management develop a new department and prepare to move away from being a production driven company.

Marketing Strategy for Toy Manufacturer: 1998-99: EU: BMC provided a marketing specialist to assist the management to develop a brand image and export strategy. Visits were made to toy fairs in the UK and Germany.


Textile Quality: 1999: EU: BMC provided the Syrian-European Business Centre with a management specialist to advise a large acrylic spinning factory. Training seminars were undertaken to improve productivity and quality control.

Textile Production:1999: EU: BMC provided the Syrian-European Business Centre with a textile engineer to improve process and quality control at a large acrylic spinning factory that had severe production problems.


Farmer Ownership Model:2000: IFC: BMC provided specialists in cotton production and cotton business strategy to join a team on a feasibility study for a pilot project for cotton farmers. IFC issued a press release in July 2004 which gives a clear indication of the progress that had been made and demonstrating the benefits of the FOM concept.


Warehouse Receipts:2004-06: UNOPS: BMC provided the cotton sector specialist to develop proposals to assist small farmers.

Preparation of Tender Documents: 1999: EU Stabex Fund: BMC provided a procurement specialist to prepare tender documents for the supply of equipment to rehabilitate two cotton research stations.

Cotton Sector Strategy: 1998: Dutch Government: BMC provided the cotton agronomist and seed multiplication specialist on a five person team that identified the constraints and opportunities in the sector. The findings were presented to the industry stakeholders and from this workshop, a strategy was developed and timetable prepared.


Cotton Ginning: 2002: EU: BMC provided an engineer to undertake a detailed survey inspection for two seed breeding institutes and to prepare a schedule listing the missing pieces of equipment and spares. Spares were acquired and a local company appointed to overhaul the equipment.


Warehouse Receipts:2004-06: UNOPS: BMC provided a coffee sector specialist to develop proposals to assist small farmers. Further input by a business planning specialist identified constraints being experienced by farmers and proposed practical solutions.

Sugar Production & Processing: 2004: Private Sector: BMC provided a financial specialist to work with a team of local consultants preparing a business plan to rehabilitate a sugar estate and factory.

Forest Sector Policy & Strategy Project: 1999: DFID: BMC found the team leader for this two year project. An alternative approach was proposed to provide an experienced project manager rather than a sector specialist.

Due Diligence on Two Cotton Ginneries: 1998: Private Sector: BMC provided a cotton processing specialist to work with the clients financial analyst to prepare a paper to enable the board to make an investment decision and confirm terms and conditions.


Investment Planning:1998: Private Sector: BMC provided a strategic adviser for a $20 million investment fund being established for large scale farming, agricultural machinery leasing and food processing.


Conceptual Design of Processing Complex: 1998: Private Sector: BMC prepared a user requirement specification and preliminary designs for a business plan to process soya beans, sunflower, rape seed, wheat flour, rice and animal feed in Port Zayed, Abu Dhabi.


BMC has helped UK based clients clients to prepare robust business plans prior to start-up or when changing gear or direction:

  • Business planning for membership based club (bar, restaurant, conference, entertainment);
  • Business mentoring and book-keeping support for care provider;
  • Business planning, financial management and mentoring for food commodity trading company;
  • HR training and introduction staff appraisal system for IT company;
  • Book-keeping, VAT reporting, invoicing and web design for charity;
  • Organised and provided guided tour to Transylvania for food tourists from Slow Food Oxfordshire;
  • Business planning for manufacture of specialist trailers for low ground clearance vehicles;
  • Business planning for production and marketing of range of totally organic skin care products;
  • Business planning for biodynamic food production and retail;
  • Business planning for recruitment agency;
  • Business planning for soft drink manufacturer;
  • Business planning for company offering remote access computer technology;
  • Business planning for company with licence to import, assemble and manufacture automotive parts;
  • Business assessment of company importing hand forged ironmongery;
  • Business management expertise for a speciality food manufacturing business wishing to expand;
  • Business management, marketing & sales expertise for a ceramic designer;
  • Business management, marketing & sales expertise for an innovative IT product;
  • Marketing & sales expertise to a company developing a new cold drink dispenser;
  • Business management expertise to a start-up for an innovative construction material;
  • Financial and business expertise to company providing wireless broadband connections;
  • Financial and business expertise to a retail enterprise seeking to expand;
  • Desk study to evaluate investment proposals for a palm oil mill and refinery inPapua New Guinea;
  • Audit of options for waste management at Western International Market (fresh produce);
  • Business administration, marketing and financial expertise to a company buying furniture from France;
  • Organised and provided a guided visit for a British company seeking to source furniture from E Europe;
  • Training for Thames Business Advice Centre on the realities of business start-up.


Cotton Sub-sector Improvement Project: 2000: EU: BMC provided a commercialisation specialist for the integrated pest management component of this project.


Zambia Export Growers Association - Rose Project: 2000: EU: BMC provided a rose production and marketing specialist to identify farms that are properly managed with sound financial backing that now require additional finance in order to expand their production. The evaluation of each farm's infrastructure, management, crop and financials were then collated into Individual Business Plans and consolidated into an Overall Business Plan.


Warehouse Receipts:2005-06: UNOPS: BMC provided a business planning specialist identified constraints being experienced by farmers and proposed practical solutions.


Fresh Produce from Africa: 2004: Private Sector: BMC assisted a fresh produce broker and business incubator to build as part of its web portal, a network of registered consultants and business mentors who will be introduced to projects as they develop. A desk exercise mapped the climate and soil suitability in Sub Saharan Africa for a range of horticultural products.

Route Map for SME Exporters of Horticultural Products: 2002: International Trade Centre: BMC undertook a survey to identify the most frequently asked questions and provided a practical, user friendly reference guide that addressed generic supply and demand concerns.

External Information Service Provider for the Industry InfoNet: 2001: International Finance Corporation: BMC prepared eight sub sector reports for the Food and Beverage Sector covering: Food: processed and canned; powdered; ready meals (both chilled and frozen); ingredients production and dairy products. Beverages: low alcoholic (beer and wine); soft (carbonated, juices and water) and hot (tea, coffee and chocolate). The team, who undertook the work in the UK as a desk exercise, included a food technologist, marketing specialist and agribusiness specialist. The objective of the IIN is to capture and share practical and application- orientated knowledge on the key issues encountered in the course of appraising, implementing and supervising investment projects across the world.


